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Are you happy? Healthy? 

Are you ready to start living your life to its fullest potential? Let's start fresh, set realistic goals and begin living life with purpose!

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As a professional therapist, my role is to guide you as you take steps towards positive life changes, healing, and a healthy mind. Together we’ll work to uncover and better understand your life challenges and day-to-day stressors that detract from your life purpose and begin identifying and practicing things that will allow you to be your happiest, healthiest and most authentic self.

Whether it’s:

  • anxiety 
  • depression
  • work or life stress
  • poor work/life balance
  • relationship issues
  • emotional pain from long ago
  • Covid burnout

Maybe it’s something that “just doesn’t feel right”, or perhaps you just need extra support for a major life decision or situation. 

Let's change "I'm not good enough" to "I am happy to be me." 

We're here to listen and to help provide the confidence and guidance you need to change negative behavior patterns and begin taking steps in the right direction.

Contact me today to set up your first appointment!




